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Status: 1 protoype in progress (serno: not assigned) / first unit failed / second acquired from DigiKey but also failed / looking for solutions {last updated 12/15/18}

Texas Instruments DLP projector

Most recent updates are listed first - usually in the form of a video for this project. If an update is necessary that doesn't warrant a complete video, then it will still occur in the proper order - so it may be between video listings. As follows:
*atomkey original how to
Well - I received a replacement from DigiKey on the first module that was stuck in a boot loop. Unfortunately the new one had the same problem. But I'm not giving up on these things just yet.

Click here to watch in a new tab/window if you don't want to watch the tinsy-tiny one...

*atomkey original how to
So things didn't go as you expected huh? Me neither. My first attempt to get the DLP 2000E to work... didn't. The unit was stuck in what seems to be a bootloader loop. At least that is what I gleamed from the discussion groups.

Click here to watch in a new tab/window if you don't want to watch the tinsy-tiny one...

*atomkey original how to
DLP Lightcrafter Intro 2019. This is an unboxing and introduction to the Texas Instruments Lightcrafter module. It is a super small display projector that is available as an evaluation board from vendors like DigiKey. I wanted to start playing around with the hardware, but also wanted everyone to see what to expect when you get yours in the mail.

Click here to watch in a new tab/window if you don't want to watch the tinsy-tiny one...

Aka: Pi Projector by ~ MickMake. You can find the YouTube video that I first watched by clicking HERE. Or you can go to his personal website and take a look at the project layout page for yourself... Click HERE.

This will be the first build I have done where I'm using someone else's startup. I really liked the idea behind what he managed to get going, and wanted to adapt it for another purpose. So I figured it was only fair to give credit due for work already done. Oh and yes, I know this uses a Raspberry PI and it looks like I have it under AVR stuff. Proto is new and doesn't get brand stamped until its done. So never mind...

DLP2000, DLPA1000, DLPC2607 Projection DLP Reference Design Evaluation Board.

The board can be found on DigiKey HERE.

Also - it is important to note on their page are also listed the technical datasheets for the evaluation module. If you are experimenting with this device, you will want to keep this link handy. I have referenced DigiKey's listing more times than I can remember.

Another very important resource you may find important is the Texas Instruments Discussion Group called E2E Community. I have discovered it to be quite good so far. The link specifically to the DLP Products discussions is HERE.
Note - mini-note section for anything that might be useful for this item, part or component...

TI Introduction 1 ~ There are two YoutTube Videos that I found giving a brief introduction to this eval module...

TI Introduction 2 ~ This one is a shorter 60 second spot.

How to section on notes, build, etc - including links, informs, etc...

From left to right ~~ 1) the TI DLP projector has a very small focus actuator on the side of the emitter next to the lens. My index finger is right over it. 2) The first unit I received failed to boot properly at all. It was stuck in a loop where this screen would flash for literally a microsecond. I had to video tape it and FF through the footage in Premier to get this screen shot. 3) DigiKey replaced the defective unit I started with. Unfortunately it has the same problem. I'm going to open a dialogue with them in hopes of sending a suitable power supply they can use to test the unit prior to shipping for now on.
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